Reid School
(801) 466-4214

August 23 – May 15
8:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Reid School

2965 East Evergreen Ave.

Salt Lake City, Utah 84109

Reid School

(801) 466-4214

8:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Young students with their hockey-ball sticks during Physical Education.

Young students with their hockey-ball sticks during Physical Education.

Annual Activities

Students participate in various sports, clubs, special programs, and many extra-curricular activities throughout the year.  Below are pictures and descriptions of some of these opportunities.  You may also view a printable PDF Flyer of Activities.

A scene from "Twelfth Night" - Maria plants fake love letter to fool Malvolio.

A scene from “Twelfth Night” – Maria
Maria plants fake love letter to fool Malvolio.

Shakespeare Festival

All students are in the Festival events in March.  Middle School students not in the play rehearsals participate in science and special music classes.

Mathematics Competitions

State and National Mathematics Contests and Mathcounts (state-wide competition events) keep math students busy!

Boys go head to head in a game of Chess.

Boys go head to head in a game of Chess.

Chess Club

Chess instruction twice-a-week and annual competitions for all grade levels.  Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:30 a.m. Sponsored by Mr. Gardner Reid.


Each year Middle School students are sorted into “Houses” and compete in the “Muggle” version of the fictional game of “Quidditch.”

Action shot of students playing the game of "Quidditch."

Action shot of students playing
the game of “Quidditch.”

Geography Bee

Study the geography of the world.  School, State, and National Competitions.  Grades 4 and up.

Linnie Fisher Robinson

Foundation for Literacy Arts

School-sponsored Poetry and Short Story competitions for students.  Cash and certificate awards.

Students play parachute games in the Mini-mini Olympics.

Students play parachute games
in the Mini-mini Olympics.

Mini-mini Olympics

Mini-mini Olympics in September bring teams of one student from each grade level in games of fun.  This activity builds camaraderie among all of Reid School students.

Poetry Recitation Competitions

September and October memorizations are judged by a panel of recognized drama and literary specialists.  Students are judged on aspects of their poise, voice, and posture.

Penmanship and Poetry Contests

Students compete in school, state, and national poetry and penmanship contests.  Sponsored by all Reading/English teachers.  Research shows that good penmanship and use of poetic expression develops better writers.

Valentine’s Luncheon

Middle School students learn etiquette in preparation for an annual fund-raising Valentine’s Luncheon.  NJHS students host the luncheon and proceeds go to charity.

Students seated at a table ready for their Valentine's lunch.

Students seated at a table ready
for their Valentine’s lunch.

NJHS Students present raised funds to a charity.

NJHS Students present raised funds to a charity.

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)

The Reid School chapter of NJHS is a select group of excellent Middle School students who participate in discovery field experiences, service projects and social opportunities.


September Parent and Student Get-togethers welcome newcomers, form bonds of friendship, and develop plans for the year.

Halloween Carnival

Annual evening dinner, booths, spoof alley and more.  Parents, students, staff, and alumni make the event outstanding.

Halloween “Parade”

“Parade” in the Auditorium for Elementary students; preschoolers parade in the classrooms; Middle School students enjoy partying in their costumes at Fat Cats.

Halloween costumed students line up with their class.

Halloween costumed students line up with their class.

Students play guitars during a holday program.

Students play guitars during a holday program.

School Programs

Programs of instrumental and vocal music (all students participate) celebrate the Winter and Spring seasons, Veteran’s Day and the Fine Arts Fair.  A Green Show is also put on during the Shakespeare Festival.  Other ensemble performances are at the discretion of the music teacher.

Thanksgiving Feast

Students in Reading/English, as they learn to follow written directions, contribute one food item for the school’s feast.  Preschoolers re-enact the first Thanksgiving.  All enjoy a fun feast with gratitude in their hearts.

Talent Show

An annual Talent Show is held in January. Students always participate with singing, dancing, and playing the piano or other musical instruments. Many other talents have been featured such as: karate and martial arts, magic tricks, puppet shows, Lego builds, even solving a Rubik's Cube.

Fine Arts Fair

Last school day in February four or five pieces of art for each student are displayed; “Best of Show” winner honored; gallery walk for parents and visitors; Fine Arts Anthology distributed; poetry and short story winners announced.

A "Best of Show" award winner and his painting.

A "Best of Show" award winner and his painting.

A teacher sits in a dunking booth while students line up to throw a ball at the target.

A teacher sits in a dunking booth while
students line up to throw a ball at the target.


In the spring students compete in multiple athletic events for medals.  First, second, and third place awards are given by level for:  Tire Run, Hurdles, 50 Yard Dash, Mile Run, High Jump, Broad Jump, Discus, Shot-Put, Javelin, and Archery.

Spring Carnival

Immediately following the Mini-Olympics a carnival is held with a BBQ lunch, bounce houses, a dunking booth, even a fire engine with water hose are fun for students to get excited for the summer break.

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