August 23 – May 15
8:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Reid School
2965 East Evergreen Ave.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84109
Reid School students’ service to other students, parents, and staff, and staff’s and parent’s service to students create a valued, shared responsibility.
NJHS students collected food for the Utah Food Bank.
The National Junior Honor Society students are committed to high scholarship, service, leadership, character and citizenship. The NJHS members are resourceful, good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life.
All Middle School students participate in regularly scheduled community and school service during the school day. Whether it is as simple as emptying the classes’ recycling bins or more time-consuming as tying quilts for the Humanitarian Center or making hygiene kits and school kits for students in Mexico. Middle School students are role models for younger students and, often, involve them in their efforts. Part of Community Service is also offering tutoring services to younger students within the school and in disadvantaged schools.
Parents serve food at the Spring Carnival.
Middle School students create video shows that air weekly along with regularly scheduled school-wide broadcasts of news, weather reports, upcoming events, and book reviews. Middle School students receive information from staff and students of all ages. This service unites the school into a wonderful camaraderie and creates a strong school spirit.
Parents select the committees (one or more) in which they sign to be of service to students, other parents, and staff. They choose from: Mini-mini Olympics, Halloween Carnival, Shakespeare Festival, Yearbook, Talent Show, Holiday Program, Mini-Olympics and Carnival, Sweetheart Dinner and Fine Arts Fair, Thanksgiving Feast, Library Volunteer, Spring Program and Graduation. Parent volunteers are invaluable to Reid School.
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